Fat cats run Chicago’s Resurrection Hospital

The executives at Chicago’s Resurrection Hospital steal money owed to workers to overpay themselves. Council 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union issued a report Aug.4 detailing the stark contrast between excessive wages for the bosses and meager ones for the workers.

Resurrection Hospital is the second largest non-profit hospital system in Chicago with eight hospitals and a network of nursing homes, home health services and outpatient clinics.

The lowest-paid worker there earns $9 an hour. Workers’ healthcare coverage costs $230 a month on average.

In contrast, the CEO received more than $1 million dollars in 2006. The 90 people in top-tier management received a combined total of more than $26 million.

The management has also spent large amounts—54 percent of $24 million allocated for remodeling—on non-clinical projects that do not affect patient care. This money could vastly improve workers’ lives.

For five years, the workers have been fighting to form a union at Resurrection Hospital—an effort the bosses have consistently sabotaged.

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