Your New Year’s resolution: Building a new movement for socialism

While making your
New Year’s resolutions, don’t forget the most important of all—to build
the struggle for socialism in the United States.

2010 was a
momentous year for the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Through
hundreds of meetings, demonstrations, educational forums and so many
other actions, over the last 12 months, the PSL has broadened its reach
and strengthened its resolve to fight the good fight.

This exciting
video—“Why socialism, why now?”—by PSL member Edward Pages shows just
some of the many highlights from and ideas discussed at the PSL’s 2010
National Conference on Socialism. It was a watershed event for our
vibrant and growing party. More than 500 people attended from across the
country, all with the goal of deepening the struggle of workers,
students and poor people. The conference proved what we have said all
along—socialism is not dead, it is very much alive and we are fighting
to make it a reality.

Whether you join us in the streets, subscribe to Liberation
newspaper, read or simply desire to make a difference—donate
to the PSL today
. It’s the most important thing you can do this holiday

Click here to
. All of our work depends on people like you. Help make 2011
another step toward revolutionary change. Help build the PSL.

Please donate today.

In struggle,

Gloria La Riva signature   Eugene Puryear signature

Gloria La Riva and Eugene Puryear
Party for Socialism and Liberation

If you contribute $50 or
more by Dec. 31, we will send you a complimentary copy of the book “Why
socialism?” or “Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire”—you choose!

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