PSL WikiBrief: For Israel, corruption and economic warfare go hand in hand

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A June 2006 cable from U.S. officials in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
details the economic warfare endured by Palestinians in Gaza. While the
communication itself hypocritically focuses on the dismay expressed by
major western corporations over having to pay corrupt Israeli Defense
Force soldiers bribes to access the area, it makes it clear that efforts
to prevent essential goods from reaching the people of Gaza were
underway well before the formal imposition of the blockade in 2007.

One year after Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian elections, Israel cut
off all access to Gaza and openly assumed complete control of its
borders. It refused to allow basic necessities to enter the area,
causing a massive economic and humanitarian crisis. This cable released
by WikiLeaks shows both that Israel’s colonial domination of Gaza
existed long before the blockade and any that notion of Palestinian
sovereignty was just an illusion.

The criminal Israeli regime only exists thanks to massive U.S.
assistance, which prolongs the suffering of the Palestinian people and
diverts resources that could go to meeting the needs of workers and poor
people in the United States.

Progressives and revolutionaries can help put an end to this
imperialist partnership by showing unconditional solidarity with the
Palestinian struggle. 

Click here to read the full text of the cable released by WikiLeaks.

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