Reclaiming International Workers’ Day—a day for all workers

The report below was first published by the ANSWER Coalition. The Party for Socialism and Liberation is a member organization of ANSWER.

On May 1, tens of thousands of
immigrants and working families of all backgrounds, community
organizations, labor unions and many others took to the streets
across the country to demand legalization for all immigrants and to stop
deportations and the attacks on workers. The ANSWER Coalition supported and helped organize May 1 demonstrations that took place across the country. Below are reports from some of the actions that took place on May 1.

Milwaukee, Wisc.

Milwaukee, Wisc.

Nearly 100,000 students, unionists and supporters of immigrant rights took
to the streets of Milwaukee on May 1. A march stretched several blocks, with
participants chanting “Si, se puede” (“Yes, we can”) and “People power,” and
demanded that President Obama listen to the issues of workers’ and immigrants

Richard Trumka, the national president of the AFL-CIO, attended the march
and spoke at the conclusion of the rally about the need for solidarity and
unity in struggle between working people of all nationalities. Christine
Neumann-Ortiz, founding executive director of the immigrant rights coalition
Voces de la Frontera, spoke about the agenda of transnational corporations to
exploit low wage Latino workers on one hand while also fighting to undermine
collective bargaining rights for public sector employees. She also spoke about
the need to oppose a proposed Arizona-style legislation to racially profile
Latino people.

The highlight of the day was the youthful composition of the event, with
many youth attending their first May 1 rally. The energy of this event has
great potential to carry over into united struggle against Gov. Scott Walker
and his aggressive attacks on workers and the poor.

Angeles, Calif.

Los Angeles, Calif.
Photo: Raymond White

Tens of thousands of people joined a
spirited mass march and rally in Los Angeles to commemorate International
Workers’ Day, a day that belongs to all workers.

While students chanted for the power of
the people, retail and office workers, teachers, janitors–all sorts of workers
and even children–chanted against racist immigration deportations, saying
“Money for jobs and education, not for racist deportations!”

Different contingents from immigrant
rights groups, organized labor and progressive organizations joined the march,
but all had one thing in common–the will to struggle.

The main themes of the march were:
Legalization now! Stop deportations and attacks on workers! Jobs, peace and
justice for all!

May Day 2011 was unique because of the
unity constructed between many different sectors of the workers’ movement. The
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, the Full Rights for Immigrants
Coalition, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights-Los Angeles, ANSWER Coalition
(Act Now to Stop War & End Racism), Multi-ethnic Immigrant Workers
Organizing Network , SEIU, LIUNA and others all worked together for weeks to
build the demonstration and make it a success. It was an equal partnership
among all sponsoring organizations.

The ANSWER Coalition, along with member
groups including the Party for Socialism and Liberation and Students Fight
Back, brought a large contingent of workers and students. Organizers chanted
and agitated in Spanish and English for legalization of all immigrants,
chanting “Legalizacion, no deportacion” (Legalization, not

ANSWER Coalition members Marcial Guerra,
Peta Lindsay and Ian Thompson spoke at march. March Forward! member Ryan
Endicott and Students Fight Back organizer Yvonne Bonilla also spoke to the

All made the connections between the war
on immigrants and workers’ at home with the wars on working people abroad.
Thompson said, “We demand peace and justice for everyone. … The
government spends $700 million each day to wage war on workers abroad, at the
same time they say there is no money for education, that we must accept layoffs
and cuts, and they blame immigrants for taking jobs.”

He continued, “But these are lies.
The California budget crisis would vanish in one month if the wars stopped
tomorrow. Immigrants aren’t to blame for unemployment–it’s Wall Street and

Bonilla said, “Let’s keep marching,
organizing and fighting back. Latino, Asian, Arab, African American and
white–we are united in struggle, and together we will win!”

Other speakers included Juan Jose
Gutierrez of Vamos Unidos USA and the Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition,
Angelica Salas of CHIRLA, Humberto Gomez of LIUNA, Congresswoman Judy Cheng
(D-Calif.) and many others.

Other people who made this march
possible included multinational groups of immigrant workers–from Mexico to El
Salvador to Sri Lanka, LGBT rights organizations, unions and people of all different
backgrounds. The protesters did not plead, but demanded an end to the attacks
on workers, including the racist deportations of immigrants that have increased
massively under the Obama administration.

In the crowd, it was easy to find
disappointment with the Obama administration and its false promises of
“immigration reform within one year of taking office.” Mario
Gutierrez, a worker who traveled from Oxnard, Calif., to support what he
referred to as “La lucha del pueblo” (the people’s struggle), said, “The people
elected him as president, now it’s time for him to do his job for the people.”

Unfortunately, it is clear that the
people have no place in the agendas of the Democratic or Republican parties.
President Obama has only paid lip service to immigration reform, and now the
masses of immigrant workers are realizing that something needs to be done. 

Sandy Mejia, another participant at the
march, said, “May Day has been a success. Our voices were heard trough
every corner of Broadway street thanks to the working-class families that
dedicated this day to speak up about their struggle.”

New York City,

New York City, N.Y.
Photo: Nathalie Serrano

At least 10,000
workers, immigrant and non-immigrants alike participated in International
Workers’ Day activities in downtown Manhattan this year. For the second
consecutive year, New York City’s labor unions organized a rally at Foley
Square with the main demands of “Labor and Immigrant Rights! Jobs for
All!” At least 5,000 immigrants, workers and activist organizations
rallied in Union Square for an hour before a spirited march down to the unions’
Foley Square rally.

That the labor
unions are back involved in May Day, using it as a day to promote unity between
foreign-born and U.S.-born workers, is historically significant in and of
itself. It had special importance this year given the present full-scale
assault on unions. Public-sector employees rallied to denounce the attacks on
their brothers and sisters in Wisconsin, and the concessions demanded by New
York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. A large contingent of construction workers from LiUNA
was also present at the rally, connecting the struggles of public-sector and
private-sector workers.

In Foley Square,
ANSWER was joined by allies from Ugnayan and Damayan Migrant Workers
Association, who marched in a militant contingent behind the banner,
“Assert immigrant and workers rights! End imperialist globalization!”
Volunteers with the ANSWER Coalition also distributed a flyer for May 12, a day
on which the labor unions are planning another march on Wall Street, which
promises to be quite large. It will demand that the state bring back the
millionaire’s tax, and that working people not be made to pay for Wall Street’s
crisis through cutbacks and layoffs.

Seattle, Wash.

Seattle, Wash.
Photo: Jane Cutter

At least 5,000
workers turned out to say “We are all workers/Todos somos trabajadores:
Washington, Arizona and Wisconsin!” Demonstrators gathered outside St. Mary’s
Church in the Central District and marched to a rally at Seattle’s Memorial
Stadium. The demonstration called for an end to attacks on immigrants and an
end to anti-union repression.

workers were well-represented, primarily from the Latino community, but also
African and Asian workers let their voices be heard. In addition, organized
labor had a visible presence, with contingents from King County Labor Council,
United Food and Commercial Workers, Teamsters, UNITE HERE and Seattle Education
Association, among others.

demonstration was also supported by the broad progressive movement of the
Seattle area, including contingents from numerous churches, anti-war
organizations, student groups and a contingent raising the issue of LGBT
immigrant families who are unable to reunite due to lack of federal recognition
of their relationships. A popular chant was “Obama, escucha, estamos en la lucha!”

San Francisco,

San Francisco, Calif.
Photo: Meghann Adams

At least 1,500 activists and community members marched from the Mission
District’s 24th Street BART to the downtown Civic Center Plaza in San
Francisco. Participants carried signs addressing issues such as Arizona’s SB
1070, deportations, and the ongoing attacks on immigrants’ and workers’ rights.

While speakers at the initial rally site spoke out against the attacks on
the immigrant community and the false propaganda of immigrants, the community
made their voice heard on the streets. All along Mission and Valencia Streets,
the energetic crowd chanted: “Aqui, alla, la lucha sequira,”
“Obama, escuchar, estamos en la lucha” and “Money for jobs and
education, not for racist deportations!” When the march reached the
interstate overpass, their voices echoed while shouting “Si, se

The march culminated in a rally in front of City Hall featuring local
musicians and speakers focusing on the attacks affecting all workers and the
need for solidarity between all working class communities.

The event was organized by the May Day Coalition, of which the ANSWER
Coalition is a member.

Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill.
Photo: John Beacham

In Chicago, over
500 people came out in support of immigrants’ and workers’
rights. A vibrant rally was held at Union Park with speakers and
music leading the way. The protesters then marched to the immigrant
community of Pilsen. The main demands were an end to the mass
deportations, full rights for immigrants and jobs for all now.

The march was
very energetic and was led by the youth and immigrants. Members of the ANSWER
Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), including member organizers
such as the Party for Socialism and Liberation, had a strong presence with
loud sound, placards and banners. Some of the chants included, “Stop, stop the
deportations! Tax, tax the rich!” and “Inmigrantes, Si! La Migra, No!
Sindicatos, Si! La Migra, No!”

march was followed by a closing rally in Pilsen that allowed everyone to
regroup for the final speakers and chants of the day. “Up, up with education!
Down, down with deportations” was the main chant of the closing rally.

Ventura, an unemployed recent college graduate who joined the demonstration,
said: “May Day means fighting for a cause, fighting for my people who
everyday work hard and all those who work in the
fields. … Today is a day of struggle for immigrants and workers.”

Rojas, a student at Harold Washington College who also participated in the
march, said: “Today is the day that we tell the government that we
need immigration reform and we demand education rights.”

Santa Fe, N.M.

Santa Fe, N.M.
Photo: Preston Wood

In response to
the reactionary Gov. Martinez’s assault on immigrant workers’ rights and to
celebrate international solidarity with workers around the world,
demonstrators from throughout New Mexico converged on the
state capitol to demand full equality for undocumented workers.
Marching through the streets of Santa Fe, hundreds of passers-by honked in
solidarity as workers from local businesses came out to salute the demonstrators.

ANSWER Coalition
– N.M. organizer Chris DeBonis called for a resurgence of the movement for full
equality for immigrants. “Now is the time,” he said, “to
get into the streets to let the Governor know that we will not step down
in this struggle for full rights for immigrants. We will continue to take to
the streets to let the Obama administration know that it’s time for action
for immigration reform, that it’s time for President Obama to make
good on his promises.” 

The May Day
demonstration was initiated by Somos Un Pueblo Unidos.

Baltimore, Md.

Baltimore, Md.
Photo: Roger Scott

People gathered
in downtown Baltimore to commemorate International Workers’ Day and the
continuing workers’ struggle around the world. Different organizations came
from across the city, including young and old alike. People gathered at Pratt
and Light Streets holding placards and posters around the intersection. Many
commuters coming through the area were very receptive and supportive. 

After making a
lively presence, organizations and activists took some time to say a few words
to remember the historic day. The resounding call from those speaking was “Jobs
instead of War!” Nnamdi Lumumba of the Ujima People’s Progress Party mentioned that the true criminals were not those on the streets trying
to survive daily, but instead the corporate elite who commit crimes against
humanity every day–while pointing to the Bank of America building down the
street. Andrew Castro, speaking on behalf of the ANSWER Coalition, reminded
everyone of the importance of May Day and said that we should not forget the
immigrants who continue to suffer from poor conditions.

Boston, Mass.

Boston, Mass.

families and Greater Boston residents came together in celebration of
International Workers’ Day. An initial rally was held at the Rose Kennedy
Greenway near Haymarket Station in downtown Boston, hosted by the Boston May
Day Committee, of which the ANSWER Coalition is a member group. The rally
consisted of speeches, chants and a theatrical performance by the Bread and
Puppets theater group. Speakers included Tito Meza of Proyecto Hondureño, City
Councilor Charles Yancey, Sergio Reyes of the Boston May Day Committee and
Jennifer Zaldana of the ANSWER Coalition.

Zaldana said, “We stand here today to fight
against the attacks on the poor and working class, and to fight against racist
programs such as this so-called Secure Communities, which in reality it is not
securing any communities, instead it is tearing down communities.”

following the rally, demonstrators took the train to East Boston to join up
with a feeder march and rally that led to the main May Day rally at Chelsea’s
City Hall. On the train, demonstrators continued the momentum with chants and
noise makers.

The main rally
was organized by the May 1st Coalition of East Boston, Everett and Chelsea.
Under the theme “From Cairo to Wisconsin to Massachusetts: Defend all
workers’ rights,” dozens of organizations mobilized for the
action. Immigrant rights groups such as the Chelsea Collaborative, Student
Immigrant Movement and Centro Presente marched side by side with several major
unions, including as SEIU and UNITE HERE. In addition to the feeder rally and
march from East Boston, a second feeder march from Everett joined the Chelsea

New Haven and Hartford, Conn.

Photo: Deb Malatesta

Nearly 200 people rallied on the steps of the federal building in New Haven
to demand jobs and justice in honor of International Worker’s Day. Among the
speakers at the rally were two students from Wilbur Cross High School, Allan
Williams and Jazlyn Ocasio, who recently led a march to City Hall after the
mayor announced more cuts to teachers and education in the city.  Speakers also included school cafeteria
workers, who are members of UNITE HERE Local 217, and custodial workers from
AFSCME Local 287, who demanded an end to cut backs and attacks on unions.

The rally was followed by a powerful march through New Haven, with chants
of “Money for jobs and education, not for war and incarceration,” “Obama,
escucha, estamos en la lucha!” and “The people, united, will never be
defeated.”  The march and rally were
followed by an annual festival on the New Haven Green in honor of the Haymarket
massacre and the nationwide strike for the 8-hour work day.

International Workers’ Day in New Haven also marked an important event for
immigrants and allies, who helped organize and mobilize for the rally. Mariano
Cardoso, a 23-year-old student who until recently was facing a deportation
order, told the crowd that despite the fact that the order has been vacated,
the struggle for justice is not over.

In Hartford, over
1,000 union workers and their families rallied at Bushnell Park in honor of
International Workers’ Day and to demand an end to the attacks on unions and
solidarity among workers. In recent months, unions have been targeted and

Valrey Johnson,
one of the rally participants, said that her union has been on strike at Park
Place Health Center, a nursing home in Hartford, for more than a year. A mother
with three sons in college, she said, “We are standing strong, we are not
giving up. We are here today at this event to stick together.” 


Workers’ and Immigrants’ Rights Day was celebrated by at least 200 people in
Sacramento on the west steps of the State Capitol building. The demonstration
was called for by Union Civica Primero de Mayo and organizations supporting the
event included: M.E.Ch.A, Labor Council for Latin
American Advancement (AFL-CIO), Peace and Freedom Party, United Native
Americans INC, SEIU, ANSWER Coalition, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Sacramento
County Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO), and more.

The event began
with a series of speakers and shortly after, a march to the State Democratic
Convention. Placards and flags were held high as workers, documented and
undocumented immigrants, and students chanted “Si, se puede!” and
“Obama, escucha, estamos en la lucha!” Immigrants’ rights
organizations and labor unions were protesting the state Democrats for their
failure to hold to their promises. There was an ongoing picket outside the
convention as traffic drove by honking in solidarity, and was followed by a
march back to the capitol building to wrap up the day’s event.

Coalition,  including member
organizations such as the Party for Socialism and Liberation, joined the events
in solidarity. Jesse Thomson-Burns, an organizer with the ANSWER Coalition and
member of the PSL, spoke to the demonstrators: “Regardless of nationality,
ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, whether you’re in a union or not,
whether you’re documented or not, we must come together as a class and defeat
our mutual enemy–the U.S. capitalist imperialists who exploit people across
the world! Workers and oppressed peoples of all countries unite!”

Syracuse, N.Y.

Syracuse, N.Y.
Photo: Derek Ford

Members of the
ANSWER Coalition joined workers in Syracuse for a celebration of International
Workers’ Day at Plymouth Church. The event, hosted by the Workers’ Center of
Central New York, was a step forward in reclaiming the day that has its origins
in the United States but is not officially recognized here.

Throughout the
evening workers shared stories of super-exploitation and discrimination. One
Native American worker named Ramona told the crowd that she was fired from her
job after questioning why she was earning less than her counterparts. Another
worker and organizer, Emily, talked about the discrimination she faced for
becoming pregnant. “I hadn’t even thought about it, that it could affect my job
security,” she said.

The Workers’
Center of CNY is a leading organization promoting the rights of workers in the
area, particularly the undocumented who suffer the highest rates of
exploitation. Last fall, the organization helped to uncover a modern-day
slavery ring operated by vendor Peter Karageorgis at the New York State Fair.
Karageorgis is seeking a permit to vend at the fair again and it is currently
under consideration, according to officials. The Workers’ Center of CNY, the
ANSWER Coalition and other community groups are currently organizing to ensure
that the permit is denied. The ANSWER Coalition is hosting a public forum on
the issue at the Southwest Community Center on May 27.

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.
Photo: Matt Murray

The third annual
May Day celebration for Richmond, Va., drew hundreds of people to the city’s
historic Monroe Park for a rally and march. Radicals and progressives of all
stripes were present, including socialists, anarchists and union activists. The
rally included speakers from the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage
Employees the Southwood Alliance immigrant rights organization and the
Industrial Workers of the World. Nicholas Powell spoke on behalf of the Party
for Socialism and Liberation on the history of May Day and the need to defend
unions and immigrant workers, while Nicholas DeFilippis spoke on the need for
youth involvement in politics to end the exploitation of young workers.

Despite being
told by the Richmond police and a federal court that activists could not march
in the streets on May Day, at least 250 people marched in the streets and on
the sidewalks. Participants wished onlookers a happy May Day and convinced a
few of them to join in. Parade marshals blocked oncoming traffic and kept the
marchers safe without help from the police. The parade went smoothly and safely
from its beginning point in Monroe Park down Broad Street, Pine Street, and back
to the park. Monroe Park is significant because it was made the target of
racist gentrification last year.

People chanted
“Whose streets? Our streets!” as a local brass band played at the front of the
march. Signs in English and Spanish proclaiming working-class solidarity, as
well as placards from the ANSWER Coalition and the PSL, were distributed and
carried throughout the march. Anti-war activists also showed up with signs
demanding an end to the imperialist wars in the Middle East.

San Diego, Calif.

San Diego, Calif.
Photo: Irvin Pachuca

May 1 was a day of solidarity and
strength amongst the working class in the deeply segregated city of San Diego. Workers
from all sectors of society came out in response to the call put out by a broad-based
coalition of organizations formed only months before.

Through their commitment and
solidarity, organizers showed what is possible when workers are mobilized. The energetic
crowd gathered outside the historic Centro Cultural de la Raza to hear live
music performance and speeches to rally their spirits before the march.

From there marchers took over the downtown
streets as they marched to the Federal building. They were lead by two young
students carrying a banner reading, “La Lucha Obrera no Tiene Fronteras” (“The
Workers Struggle Has No Borders”). Spirits were lifted high by a radical
marching band and militant chants.

At the Federal Building,
solidarity speeches called for an end to the wars and occupation, freedom for Bradley
Manning, an end to the U.S. supply of weapons to the Mexican government, an end
to U.S. imperialism in the Philippines and end to imperialist exploitation.

Marchers then continued on to the San
Diego Civic Center where another rally was being held by faith organizations and
labor unions. There, marchers were joined by still another contingent of
workers who had begun their march at Chicano Park.

Contributing reporters: Austin Thompson, Carolina Morales, Deb Malatesta, Derek Ford, Jane
Cutter, Jennifer Zaldana, Jim Rudd, John Hershey, Khaled Awad, Meghan Adams,
Nicholas DeFilippis, Preston Wood, Abel Macias

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