Rally Mobilizes for Aug. 12 National March

On Saturday, Aug. 5, 200 people rallied and marched in New Haven, Conn. demanding an end to the U.S.-Israeli war

on Lebanon and Palestine and to build for the Aug. 12 National Emergency March on Washington. The action was built by many local organizations including ANSWER Coalition, Connecticut (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism).

Participants included many families from the local Palestinian and Lebanese communities. Speakers included representatives of local organizations as well as Dr. Antoine “Tony” Sreih, a Lebanese doctor. Shreih gave a moving description of the devastation of his country and the struggle of the people to survive.

Demonstrators cheered following an ANSWER organizer’s announcement that on Aug. 12, protesters would gather in

Washington, D.C. to march on the White House in defense of the people of Palestine and Lebanon. Many people, including entire families, signed up to mobilize and are traveling to Washington.

Following the rally was a spirited march through downtown New Haven. Among the chants were “Occupation is a crime: Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine,” “Free free Palestine,” and “No justice, no peace, U.S. out of the Middle East!”

Photos: PSL New Haven

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