A campaign that speaks to the needs of workers

Latest Campaign Video:
What We Mean by ‘Fight for Socialism’
A message from VP Candidate Yari Osorio

¿Qué es el Socialismo?
A new Spanish-language video

VIDEO: Yari Osorio - Why we fight for socialism

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Video: Yari Osorio - What is socialism (Spanish)

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El Partido Socialismo y Liberación está interviniendo en las elecciones presidenciales para llevar un mensaje socialista a la arena electoral. Peta Lindsay es la candidata Presidencial y Osorio Yari es el candidato Vice Presidencial.

For the past several months, Republican and Democratic contenders to the White House have given U.S. workers a remarkable show of grandiose rhetoric without offering any concrete solutions to the problems of facing working people.

But the Lindsay/Osorio 2012 Presidential Campaign is a different kind of campaign.

Below you’ll find a collection of campaign videos we’ve released over the past few months. Our message speaks to the real problems facing working people in the United States. We challenge the rule of the banks and corporations, and offer a program that puts the needs of working people first — a program that the two corporate parties will never touch with a 10-foot pole.

The rigged capitalist elections cannot put an end to the injustices of this criminal system. We are not running to win office, but to build a movement. Please take a moment to watch and share these videos, and join us in the struggle for socialism.

Seize the Banks!

Cancel all student debt! Fight for free education!

End mass incarceration! Stop criminalizing youth of color!

May Day and the Struggle for Immigrant Rights

Why socialism?

A new tyranny

Save the Planet–End Capitalism!

All women have a right to free, safe, legal abortions

Why we support full federal LGBT equality

End all imperialist wars!

What We Mean by ‘Fight for Socialism’

¿Qué es el Socialismo?

Get involved with the Lindsay/Osorio 2012 Presidential Campaign today!

Request Peta Lindsay or Yari Osorio as a speaker for an event in your area.

Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation!

Upcoming events featuring Peta Lindsay    Upcoming events featuring Yari Osorio

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