Socialism and Liberation Vol. 2, No. 1

January 2005

Socialism and Liberation Magazine
Vol. 2, No. 1: January 2005

Finishing the Civil
Rights Revolution

U.S. labor
U.S. workers’ living conditions drop (Ian Thompson)
Robbing workers to pay the banks (Richard Becker)
Hotel workers beat lockout (Nancy Mitchell)

U.S. politics
LGBT rights, the 2004 elections, and the struggles ahead  (Sarah Friedman)
Civil rights and the U.S. revolution (Brian Becker)
Talking about Martin Luther King, Jr. (Claybourne Carson)

Labor, anti-racist movements merged in 1968 Memphis (Bill Massey)
What is the capitalist class? (Tahnee Stair)

Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian freedom struggle (Muna Coobtee)
Revolutionary struggle and social democracy in Latin America  (Andy McInerney)
People’s Struggle in Latin America (International Commission, FARC-EP)

En Español
Lucha revolucionaria y social-democracia en América Latina  (Andy McInerney)
Las elecciones 2004, los derechos LGBT y las luchas venideras (Sarah Friedman)
Robándole a los trabajadores para pagarle a los bancos  (Richard Becker)

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