Volume 1, Issue 2: Millions Behind Bars
U.S. News
Iraqi resistance pushes U.S. generals back
U.S. government wants anti-Cuba terrorists free
Bush, G8 come up short in AIDS fight
Supreme Court denies minimum wage to health care aides
Another victim of Smithfield packing
In brief: Rutgers Univ. workers win union recognition
In brief: Senate considers repressive law to make ‘gang crimes’ federal
In brief: Pro-choice victory in New Hampshire
World News
Why the Pentagon wants bases in Europe
Biofuels: Not all they are cracked up to be
One million South African workers go out on strike
In brief: South African unions campaign to boycott Israeli products
In brief: ETA calls off ceasefire, Spanish government arrests leaders
In brief: Sri Lankan Court rules against Tamil evictions
Mentally ill? In this country, it’s off to prison
Prisons and the high-tech revolution
Prisoners rise up in Indiana
In Depth
In depth: Crisis in Palestine
Washington DC says, “An injury to one is an injury to all!”
Los Angeles organizes Anti-war/Equality contingent
In memory
Vilma Espin, presente: A Cuban revolutionary’s life and legacy
A revolutionary life: PSL statement to the Cuban people
The victims of capitalism