Liberation Volume 1, Issue 10

Issue 1, Volume 10
See the .pdf of Volume 1, Issue 10

Volume 1, Issue 10:
It Is Occupation, Not Liberation

On the cover
It is occupation, not liberation

U.S. News
Treasury bails out the banks
Labor board guts union card-check
Racist immigration raids sweep the United States
In brief: Racist judge sends Mychal Bell back to jail
In brief: Temporary legal victory stops ‘no match’ rules
In brief: U.S. capitalists pollute the water for profit

World News
Bush is all hot air on global warming
24,000 Egyptian textile workers win major strike
One year after North Korea’s nuclear bomb test
In brief: Bolivian military to withdraw from School of the Americas
In brief: Spanish police attack Basque protesters
In brief: Palestinian students blocked from attending schools abroad

Features: “Women and children left behind” 
Single moms and the fight for child care
Government funds war, not health care for kids
Corporations do not care about stopping breast cancer 

Iraq War
Breaking with the politics of imperialism
Government rules won’t stop Blackwater crimes

Venezuelan diplomat addresses California activists
Rally demands justice for Gary King, Jr.
Leader of Gay Russia speaks at Chicago action

Torture and the crimes of the U.S. war machine

In memory
In memory of Vernon Bellecourt, visionary Native American activist and leader
Protest remembers anti-imperialist Thomas Sankara

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