- Make a job a Constitutional right
Tens of millions are jobless and under-employed because the capitalists control
employment. A decent paying job must be a legal, guaranteed right. The minimum
wage should be raised to $20 per hour and a living income must be guaranteed for those
who cannot work. - Make free health care, free education and affordable housing
Constitutional rights
These are
essentials of life and should not be run for-profit. Create a completely free
and public health care system. Make education free—cancel all student debt. Stop all foreclosures and evictions
– end all mortgage interest payments to the banks - Shut down all U.S. military bases around the world—bring all the
troops, planes & ships home
U.S. foreign
policy uses the pretext of national security to enforce the imperialist
interests of the biggest banks and corporations. That’s what is behind the
endless wars and occupations. Use the $1 trillion military budget instead to provide
for people’s needs here and around the world. Stop U.S. aid to Israel. End the
blockade of Cuba. - Stop racist police brutality and mass incarceration
More than three million people are behind bars in the largest prison complex in the world.
Mass incarceration of our youth is the real crime. End the mass incarceration of oppressed communities.
Fully prosecute all acts of police brutality and violence. - Defend our unions
Support the right
of all workers to have a union. Fight back against the attacks on collective
bargaining. Pass the Employee Free Choice Act and repeal the Taft-Hartley Act. In the
spirit of Wisconsin, rebuild a fighting—and striking—labor movement. - Equality for women and free, safe, legal abortion on demand
Stop the attack on women’s reproductive rights and defend Roe v. Wade.
Women must have the fundamental right to choose and control their own bodies. Women still earn 22 percent less than men, and the gap is even more severe for
Black and Latina women. Close the wage gap and end the gender division of
labor. - Full rights for all immigrants
Abolish all
anti-immigrant laws. Stop the raids and deportations. The government’s war on
immigrants must end. The border wall must be dismantled. - Full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
Make same-sex
marriage a federal right—keep the movement in the streets. Fight anti-LGBT
discrimination and violence. - Save the planet—End capitalism
We need a central
economic plan to significantly cut greenhouse gases, clean up the environment and
build a massive renewable energy network. The for-profit economic system
creates incentives to pollute. No fracking, no Keystone pipeline! - Seize the banks—Jail Wall Street criminals
The banks’ vast
wealth came from the people’s labor and tax-dollar bailout. Capitalist banking
is a form of organized crime, rewarding greed and fraud with obscene bonuses.
These billionaires looted and destroyed the economy. It is time to seize their assets
and use those resources in the interests of the vast majority. Power must be
taken out of the hands of the super-rich, and the Wall Street criminals must be
held accountable.
186 2 minutes read