According to a recent Unicef report, hunger in South Asia has reached a 40-year high. Four hundred million people are malnourished and hungry in South Asia—this is 100 million more people than two years ago who do not get enough to eat. The report blames what they call “Triple F” factors—rising prices of food and fuel and the global financial crisis. The World Bank has also reported that 75 percent of the population in South Asia survives on less than two dollars a day and, out of necessity, spends around 80 percent of their earnings on food. This leaves very little to purchase essential, non-food items. The worlwide food “shortage” is the result of the built-in drive of transnational corporations to dominate markets, including basic staples of existence. The worldwide economic crisis has made matters worse. No one should go without food in a world where plenty is possible. People’s needs over profits!
36 1 minute read