PSL Presidential Campaign on the ballot in Arkansas, Vermont, and Colorado!

The La Riva/Puryear PSL Presidential Campaign is proud to announce that we have achieved ballot status in Arkansas, Vermont and Colorado! We are also in the final stages for ballot status in Utah, Florida, New Jersey and Iowa. Over the next two months, we will be working to gain ballot access in many additional states, including Washington state, New York, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, California and other states.

VotePSL scrollPlease make an urgently needed donation to help us get on the ballot in states across the country!

The name of PSL Presidential candidate Gloria La Riva will appear on the ballot in Arkansas, Vermont, Colorado and many additional states. Workers will have the opportunity to protest the corrupt two-party electoral system of capitalism through their vote, and express support for a socialist solution to society’s ills.

This tremendous accomplishment was made possible by the hard work of PSL volunteers. The La Riva/Puryear PSL presidential campaign is truly a grassroots campaign with no paid campaign workers.

In order to achieve ballot status in Arkansas and Vermont, we had to collect 1,000 valid signatures of registered voters in each of these states. This meant collecting 2,000 in each state to ensure PSL would be on the ballot.

Teams of volunteers traveled to these states in February, March and April. Volunteers braved snow storms and below-freezing temperatures in Vermont, and tornadoes and heavy rain in Arkansas, in order to collect petition signatures.

In Arkansas, most of our petitioning was in Little Rock and nearby towns. We focused on large university campuses, like University of Arkansas-Little Rock and University of Central Arkansas. Other petitioning sites included Hendrix College, Pulaski Technical College, and in front of busy restaurants and government buildings in downtown Little Rock.

The campaign was received positively in Arkansas. Many people were enthused with our message and agreed with our platform. Others were happy to sign because they felt that the electoral process should include more candidates and perspectives. A progressive student group at UCA hosted a forum which featured a speaker from the PSL’s campaign.

In Vermont, most of the petitioning was done in Brattleboro and Burlington at post offices, office buildings, restaurants, food co-ops, convenience stores and at the University of Vermont.

PSL presidential candidate Gloria La Riva also spoke to the Vermont Law School about the case of the Cuban Five. At another event, La Riva and PSL vice-presidential candidate Eugene Puryear addressed a public meeting called, “The socialist view of the elections.” Speaking to a crowd of supporters and newcomers, the candidates touched on a variety of issues, from the Iraq war to the economy and the Democratic primaries. La Riva and Puryear contrasted the revolutionary socialist position with the positions of the imperialist candidates.

We are happy that workers and students in Colorado will also have a chance to vote for the PSL campaign. The necessary number of presidential electors has been submitted to the state, completing the process for ballot access.

There is an alternative

Everywhere that the La Riva/Puryear PSL presidential campaign has traveled, we have been received with great enthusiasm by working-class people who agree with our message of putting people over profits. Our campaign can inspire more working-class organizing, agitation and revolutionary consciousness.

People who have never even thought about socialism are subscribing to our publications and eagerly learning about the inherent contradictions of capitalism. Our volunteers have been thanked and hugged by workers who are sick of being attacked by a system that cares only about profits. They are excited to know that a militant and disciplined party is on the streets fighting for our class’s liberation everyday. We are building a true peoples’ movement.

Unlike the campaigns of the Democratic and Republican candidates, who have hundreds of millions of dollars from corporations and lobbyists, the La Riva/Puryear PSL presidential campaign is a grassroots effort. Getting the PSL candidates on the ballot has been carried out on the smallest budget possible. But still there have been many expenses, including travel, supplies and petitioning materials, and the production of campaign flyers, posters, brochures and more.

We need your help to continue this effort. 

In addition to being confirmed on the ballot in Arkansas, Vermont and Colorado, we are in the final stages of filing for ballot status in Utah, Florida, New Jersey and Iowa. Over the next two months, we will be working to gain ballot access in Washington (state), New York, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, California and other states.

Presidential candidate La Riva also just traveled with PSL members to Iowa and Illinois where she spoke with people who were affected by the terrible floods. She helped sandbag to stop the flow of the Mississippi’s waters into people’s homes, stores and cropland, meanwhile discussing the PSL campaign and our demand for immediate aid to the people of the Midwest. 

Ballot access and concrete solidarity and struggle are necessary components of the PSL’s 2008 presidential campaign. Our necessary work can only continue with your assistance.

1) Please make an urgently need donation to the La Riva/Puryear PSL presidential campaign today.

2) Click this link to volunteer with the VotePSL campaign.

3) Click this link to go to and read more about the campaign.

4) Click this link to read a report about the effort to get on the ballot in Utah.

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