Volume 2, No. 12:
Putting Bush to Shame
On the cover:
China’s quake response stands
in stark contrast to Katrina ‘relief’ efforts
U.S. News
Major victory for same-sex marriage rights in California
Michigan blocks health benefits to same-sex couples
When going to work becomes a felony
Indiana’s voter ID law could disenfranchise thousands
Dallas man gets 35 years in prison for spitting at cop
In brief: States disregard law, disenfranchise the poor
In brief: Three MOVE 9 members denied parole
In brief: Study exposes racist of war on drugs
World News
‘Autonomy’ vote in Bolivia: a divide-and-conquer ploy
Washington intensifies proxy war against Somalia
Zimbabwe still in electoral limbo
Bush exploits Myanmar’s cyclone tragedy
In brief: Venezuela’s minimum wage now highest in Latin America
In brief: In racist French ‘justice’ system, majority of prisoners are Muslim
In brief: Afghanistan’s puppet president runs for life
Feature: Vote PSL on June 3!
Stephen Hinze takes on cops, L.A. Attorney
PSL candidates hit streets with socialist message
Sixty years after ‘Al-Nakba’ in Palestine
Nationwide events calls for Palestinian right of return
Disability rights group shuts down in Republican headquarters in D.C.
PSL Editorial
Iraqi weddings not as joyous as Jenna Bush’s
Vota de autonomía en Bolivia es táctica de dividir y conquistar