Statement from PSL’s La Riva/Puryear presidential campaign
PSL candidates celebrate
California same-sex marriage rights victory
and demand full equality for all!
The “Vote PSL” La Riva/Puryear presidential campaign joins the LGBT community in celebrating the California Supreme Court decision that overturned the same-sex marriage ban. This is a day that all progressive people should celebrate as one that tears down another wall of bigotry and discrimination that seeks to separate and divide.
The court decision was only possible because of the tireless efforts of a grassroots, community-based movement that has challenged the narrow and antiquated ideas of what constitutes a family. This victory came through decades of struggle.
The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community has fought long and hard against backward social norms. The community has showed solidarity and formed alliances with others fighting for social justice and against discrimination. The love, strength and determination of the community is responsible for changing how society views civil rights for all.
This victory takes society one-step closer to full recognition of same-sex relationships as the struggle continues in California and across the country. A campaign by right-wing bigots to push the LGBT community back into the closet must and will be met by all progressive forces opposed to the divide-and-conquer tactics that only benefit the rich, while denying the many equality and dignity.
The La Riva/Puryear campaign and the Party for Socialism and Liberation mark this day with great pride.