Chicago rally defends China against U.S. attacks

More than 300 people, including members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, attended a May 4 rally in Chicago to support the 2008 Beijing Olympics and denounce the racist U.S. government and media campaign against China. The demonstration also defended China against the U.S.-supported right-wing Tibetan separatist movement’s recent aggressions.

Hundreds of red flags of the People’s Republic of China flew high throughout downtown Daley Plaza. The spirited action came on the heels of an April 24 action at Federal Plaza in Chicago, when more than 500 people came out.

The PSL banner read, “Say No to the U.S.-CIA Anti-China Campaign.” PSL members handed out statements opposing the anti-China propaganda and were well received by demonstrators, who were predominantly from the Chinese community.

John Beacham from the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) in Chicago spoke at the rally. He said, “We stand with you in opposing the attacks on China. The Olympics should be an opportunity to build stronger international relationships between peoples and promote world peace. Instead, the U.S. government and the media have used the Beijing Olympics to unleash a racist attack against China and promote imperialist aggression.”

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