Massive rally opposes transfer of Bolivian capital

In one of the largest rallies in Bolivian history, as many as one million people took to the streets of La Paz and

neighboring El Alto to protest a proposed transfer of the nation’s capital to Sucre.

La Paz, in the west, is home to the government’s executive and legislative branches, while the south-central Sucre houses the highest federal courts. The proposal exposes the geographical rift between the impoverished supporters of left-leaning president Evo Morales, concentrated in the western highlands, and the wealthy opposition from the lowland east.

Some of Morales’ supporters see the proposal by Sucre delegates to the constitutional assembly as a center-right move to thwart the ongoing constitutional rewrite. “More than change the seat of government, they want to change the government,” explained La Paz state governor José Luis Paredes.

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