Immigrant soldiers dying for citizenship

On July 4, 325 immigrant soldiers took the oath of citizenship in Iraq. As of May, 1,186 soldiers have become citizens in


Currently, about 25,000 noncitizen soldiers, serve in the Army with roughly 8,000 joining every year. Hundreds are undocumented.

Over 125 non-citizen soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Seventy of them were awarded citizenship posthumously.

The U.S. government has thrown up endless obstacles to immigrants who want to become citizens. Workers and their families are criminalized, harassed, arrested and deported. Congress has failed to pass meaningful comprehensive immigration reform.

Yet, immigrants can join the U.S. military to fight and die abroad and win a path to citizenship right away. The imperialists do not care about equality or dignity. They use immigrants as their foot soldiers in wars waged for profit and greed.

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