Volume 1, Issue 1: Socialism Will Win
U.S. News
Democrats join Republicans in funding Iraq war escalation
Protesters “Turn Up the Heat on Bush”
New Haven grants IDs to all immigrants
Black students face racist Louisiana trial
In brief: California to spen more on prisons than schools this year
In brief: Palestinian freed from U.S. detention
In brief: Florida tomato growers threaten farmworker victory
World News
U.S. threatens Iran with war, sanctions
Pope justifies massacre of Indigenous populations
Major Venezuelan phone company nationalized
China’s new role in Africa
U.S. bombs Somalia, resistance continues
In brief: Nigerian oil workers win two-day strike
In brief: Protesters flare up at G-8 summit in Germany
In brief: U.N. sets up Hariri tribunal aimed at Syria
Is socialism possible in the United States?
The purpose of Liberation newspaper
The role of a Marxist revolutionary party
Television & Film
In Venezuela, the counterrevolution will not be televised
Michael Moore’s ‘Sicko’ exposes dismal U.S. health care
Al-Awda Convention stresses need for the Palestinian right of return
Hotel workers keep picketing despite intimidation tactics